
Cookie policy

The purpose and legal basis for our processing of your personal data
Five2one Estate processes personal data from our website, social media and search engines to market our services to existing and new customers.

We base our marketing efforts on consent. This ensures that visitors to our website are not tracked before they have consented to this.

When we advertise on social media and search engines, including LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, we are technically dependent on the social media and search engine having obtained the consent of the users who may see our messages and that the consent actually meets the requirements of being voluntary, specific, informed and an unambiguous expression of intent.

You can find the basis for our processing of personal data in relation to our marketing in Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Categories of personal data
We only process general personal data when you visit our website or we market our services through search engines and social media. When using social media or search engines for marketing, we ensure that we do not process sensitive data. We only process geographical location, age, gender, workplace, education and similar general personal data.

Recipients and categories of recipients
We disclose or transfer your personal data to the following recipients to the extent necessary:

  • Authorities, if we are obligated to do so
  • The suppliers of our website and their sub-processors

Finally, we share personal data for which we are the data controller with the social media and search engines that we use in our marketing.

Transfer to recipients in third countries, including international organizations
As far as possible, we do not disclose or transfer personal data to recipients outside the EU/EEA. However, social media databases are located all over the world. For example, we cannot guarantee that LinkedIn will not send personal data to the US. The same applies to the personal data collected by the search engine Google, which we use and are responsible for in our marketing. Over the years, it is our expectation that social media databases will be located in the EU along with the personal data attributable to EU citizens.

Sources from which collected personal data originates
The personal data originates from visitors to our website and users who have a social media account where our ads and posts appear. When you visit Five2one Estate.dk, we collect personal data through cookies. Five2one Estate can use all types of cookies. Read below about the different types of cookies and your consent to our use of them.

What is a cookie
Cookies are used by virtually all websites. There are basically 4 types of cookies:

  1. Technical cookies: Technical cookies are necessary for the vast majority of websites to function properly. They also make sure you don’t keep getting kicked off the website you’re visiting. The use of technical cookies does not require consent.
  2. Statistics cookies: Statistics cookies are used to optimize the design, usability and effectiveness of a website.

The information collected is used, for example, to analyze which information is most popular on the site and therefore easy to find in order to improve user-friendliness. Statistics cookies can also be used to collect visitor statistics through a simple count of the number of visits to a website. Statistic cookies usually have little or no impact on privacy as they do not record what is searched for on other websites. However, it is a requirement that the website owner informs and asks for consent when using statistics cookies.

  1. Personalized cookies: Personalized cookies collect information by following us around a website where they collect our digital footprint. They are therefore also called “tracking cookies”.

Personalized cookies are used to deliver more targeted and relevant content on the website – for example in the form of suggested information and articles. Other users are shown different content on the website because they are interested in something else. The content is selected based on the information personalized cookies have collected about your searches, interests and clicks around the web. Personalized cookies can therefore be seen as a service to target you with relevant content as you move around the web.

A website that collects information using cookies to create personalized content must inform about this and obtain consent.

  1. Marketing cookies: When cookies are used commercially to target ads to you, they are marketing cookies.

Marketing cookies collect information by following us on individual websites in the same way as personalized cookies. Marketing cookies are therefore also “tracking cookies”. The information collected is used to create an overview of our interests, habits and activities to show relevant ads in relation to what we have previously looked at. A website must inform and obtain consent when using marketing cookies.

Avoid cookies
If you want to avoid cookies altogether, turn cookies off in your browser. Where you find the settings depends on which browser you are using. However, you should be aware that if you do this, there are features and services you cannot use because they require the website to remember the choices you make. All browsers allow you to delete cookies individually or all at once from your computer. How you do this depends on which browser you are using.

Storage of your personal data
We have internal guidelines for the retention period of all categories of personal data. Documentation of consent is stored for at least 2 years after the consent was last used. Personal data from cookies on our website is stored for different periods of time. Some cookie information is deleted when you no longer use our website (session terminated). Other cookie information is stored for several years. Personal data from social media is stored for as long as we market on that social media, unless deletion is requested.

Automated decisions, including profiling
We advertise on social media, such as Facebook and LinkedIn, and through search engines, including Google. In this context, we understand that profiling is taking place. The logic of profiling is that our messages are sent out to people who the social media outlet in question believes are most likely to be interested in them.

Your rights
If you want to exercise your rights, please contact us.

Right to see information (right of access)
You have the right to access the data we process about you.

Right to rectification (correction)
You have the right to have incorrect information about yourself corrected.

Right to erasure
In special cases, you have the right to have data about you deleted prior to the time of our general general deletion. When deletion is requested, we ensure as far as possible that the personal data is deleted from the IT systems that are technically available to us and that we use in our marketing. If you wish to delete the personal data for which we and the relevant social media are jointly responsible, we refer you to the social media’s website where you can request deletion, including deletion of your own account.

Right to restriction of processing
You have the right to have the processing of your personal data restricted in certain cases. If you have the right to have the processing restricted, we may in future only process the data – except for storage – with your consent, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, or to protect a person or important public interests.

Right to object
In certain cases, you have the right to object to our otherwise lawful processing of your personal data.

Right to transmit data (data portability)
In certain cases, you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have this personal data transferred from one controller to another without hindrance. You can read more about your rights in the Danish Data Protection Agency’s guide on data subject rights, which you can find at www.datatilsynet.dk.

Complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency
You have the right to file a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency if you are dissatisfied with the way we process your personal data. You can find the Danish Data Protection Agency’s contact details at www.datatilsynet.dk.

The data controller – how to contact us
www.five2oneestate.dk is owned by Five2one ApS, cvr. No. 42284548 and you can contact the Data Protection Compliance Officer, Jakob Skram-Jensen at jakob@five2oneestate.dk


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